The original title of this week’s blog was ‘What a pizza of a PR strategy’.

I’ll let you decide what the subject matter was going to be! As the days have gone by this week I have decided it would be inappropriate to say more about the lessons businesses can learn from the risks of ill-conceived PR.

‘Nuff said.

So, at the 11th hour, I’ll return to one of my well-worn themes for a quick business lesson that everyone should review – that of following up.

I’m getting to that age where my family history is becoming more and more important – no more old folks left to ask and all that. It just took a tearful watch of Ant & Dec’s DNA journey last week to decide to take action.

Knowing I’ll struggle to do the work on my own – I don’t really know where to start – I decided to find a genealogy consultant to help. I trotted off to the Agra website and found a number of names covering the various regions of the UK I wanted to cover. I connected with approx 12 of them and asked a simple question as to what it might take to get started.

Here’s what happened…

  • Of the 12, less than half have responded.
  • All bar one who responded have given me their hourly rates and suggested we start with a chunk or 2 or 3 hours and take it from there.
  • One phoned me within 24 hours, chatted the project through and then suggested a £350 first level report that would take one family name (£650 for 2 names) back to the 1800s, along with copies of all associated documentation.

Guess what I did.

Please do look at your own responses to new enquiries and ask yourself if your approach working as well as it could for you?